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  • What Are Red Bricks, Exactly?
  • Locations Of Each Ruby-red Brick

Cherry Bricks are an absolute staple in the Traveller's Tales series of Lego video games, and LEGO DC Super Villains is no different. From their beginning inclusion in Lego Star Wars to the plethora of modern games coming out, including the upcoming Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, they have been the ultimate collectible for every Lego aficionado out there.

In that location are plenty of Blood-red Bricks across the 20 stages of Lego DC Super Villains. Every bit you traverse the mysterious and compelling story of The Joker, Harley Quinn, and fiendish friends attempting to piece of work out who exactly this Justice Syndicate is, you lot can as well grab a few collectibles.

What Are Red Bricks, Exactly?

DC Super Villains Riddler And Scarecrow B

Red Bricks are collectible items plant in each phase of Lego games. Each one gives a certain crook that tin can be activated from the pause carte. Things like stud multipliers and fun but harmless modifiers, all of which won't affect your achievement progress.

There is i brick to each stage hidden in a unlike location, making for a total of 20 Red Bricks. Some require you to complete other levels in order to unlock characters with particular skills, but this shouldn't be likewise difficult. One time you've found the Red Brick in a stage and unlocked the cheat connected to information technology, you lot can instantly switch information technology on and off in the master menu. Keep in listen that you must collect all Red Bricks to reach 100 percent progression.

Locations Of Each Red Brick

DC Super Villains Poison Ivy B

Almost bricks aren't too difficult to find. However, some tin be impossible unless you have the right character. Chances are yous're going to demand to replay the level in free mode first earlier you have the chance to catch these collectibles.

Stage Location Unlocks
Level ane - New Child On The Block Held upward by a gold statue in the clock tower. Helium Fashion
Level 2 - Information technology's Skilful To Be Bad In the iceberg lounge on the second floor, use a speed character to break the blue panel. Pigment Splat Footprints
Level iii - S.T.A.R.S In Your Eyes Constitute in the first main room afterwards destroying five targets in quick succession. Big Caput Mode
Level 4 - The Harley And The Ivy Destroy the rooftop statue in the final party surface area Collect Guide Studs
Level 5 - Arkham Barely Believe It Destroy the golden grate whilst fighting the level's boss and jump downward. Minikit Detector
Level 6 - Con-Grodd-Ulations Use a batarang to hit the bat-symbol, revealing two plants that you take to grow and use to reveal the brick. Concenter Studs
Level vii - Oa No! Pull it using the grapple hook from the centre platform to the left almost the mechanism model. Confetti Punch
Level viii - Fight At The Museum Use the mirror jump to attain the brick behind the glass wall. Studs x2
Level ix - Sea-Male monarch Trouble Find the sea monster and sing to information technology in the correct society. Fast Interactions
Level x - Gridlocked Enter the 3-digit code in the safe in LexCorp, matching the one to the left. Pew Pew Mode
Level 11 - Apokolips WOW! Located in the hall by the main rooms. Utilise a telekinetic character to hypnotize the henchman into pushing the push button. Gold Brick Detector
Level 12 - The One With The T.Rex Mech Ring the Amazonian bells on the tower by the cleaved span. DC Captions
Level xiii - They Recall Information technology's Owl Over Use a speed character to actuate a cosmic treadmill on the ledge to a higher place Batman and Owlman. Character Token Detector
Level 14 - Steppenwolf Surprise Destroy the gilt-colored lock on the correct side of the main room of Wayne Tower. Demolition Way
Level fifteen - Darkseid Of The Moon Subconscious above Darkseid'southward Throne. Studs x4
Bonus Level 1 - Granny Knows Best In the bathtub in the outset area. Studs x6
Bonus Level two - Homo To Mantis Use Batman to flip a bat switch by the starting platform. Super Slap
Bonus Level 3 - These Boots Are Made For Stompa Abound the plant located on the boss platform. Studs x8
Bonus Level four - Arma-Ghetto Superstar Go up the stairs to the left and destroy the door that appears later destroying everything in the room. Party Hat Mode
Bonus Level 5 - Y'all Kanto-Uch This Plant in the trophy room. Studs x10

NEXT: The Lego Games Are Getting Also Complicated